Researchers at the University of Wisconsin have announced findings that shine some light on the kinds of stellar formations that create planetary systems. According to their measurements, protoplanetary discs — proplyds for short — in the Orion Nebula are directly impacted by whether or not they form or drift within range of one the enormous O-Type stars that exists within the nebula.
According to the team, the massive amounts of energy pouring off an O-Type star will completely destroy the protoplanetary disc surrounding a young star in short order. Images from the Hubble suggest that the tear-drop shape of many proplyds are a direct result of their proximity to high-energy stars. By observing multiple proplyds in various stages of evolution, the researchers have determined that a distance of 0.1 light years is too close. If the forming protostar is within that limit, the colossal energy and high amounts of UV radiation pouring off the larger star destroys all but a fraction of the mass required to create a single Jupiter-sized planet.
In contrast, propylds that exist outside the 0.1 light year limit retain enough mass for up to 80 Jupiter-sized planets — far more material and enough to form a stable planetary system at some point in the distant future.
The propylds in the Orion Nebula. Note the tear-drop shapes caused by massive amounts of solar energy.
One of the keys to our ongoing search for life across the universe is a better understanding of what sorts of stars are likely to have planets in the first place. Thanks to the efforts of space telescopes like Kepler, we now know that stars with planets are relatively common, but new work like this gives us a better understanding of the process by which star systems acquire or do not acquire planets, improving our ability to search for extraterrestrial life in the future, when we launch advanced devices such as the James Webb Space Telescope.
There’s an ongoing scientific discussion over what sort of stellar nursery conditions are the most likely to lead to ideal conditions for rocky planets and by extension, possible life. This reinforces the idea that large stellar formations with super-massive stars aren’t friendly places for the formation of planets or life — the conditions are too disruptive, with too much potential for frequent (in cosmological terms) planet-sterilizing high-energy cosmic ray bursts, coronal mass ejections, or supernovae that would destroy a fragile planetary system — even as it seeded that portion of the galaxy with the long-term building blocks for rocky planets and smaller, cooler, longer-burning stars.
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